Australian Alumni Singapore 57th Annual General Meeting

Dear Members


The Australian Alumni Singapore (AAS) 57th AGM, was held on 27th March 2012 at SMa Institute of Higher Learning, 410 North Bridge Road #05-08.

By 6.20 pm, members started to come in for networking and buffet dinner. At 7.00 pm, President, Mr Loh Hoon Sun, represented AAS in presenting two cheques amounting to S$ 10,000 to Ms Martina Wong, General Manager of The Straits Times School Pocket Money Fund. Ms Wong expressed her gratitude to AAS and thanked everyone present for the donation that would benefit more than 10,000 school children. In her introductory speech for the presentation, Ms Peggy Tan, Vice President, took the opportunity to thank Mr Simon Ho, Immediate Past President, for his efforts and generous contribution in raising this amount through the sales of his photo-book Orchids of Splendour: A Face of Singapore.

Thereafter AGM proper proceeded with Hoon Sun, President, in the Chair. Hoon Sun thanked Ms Ally Loo, Dr Angelo M Vernardos, Ms Kristy Wee, and Ms Tammie Quai for their active contributions to AAS. Just prior to the Meeting, Ms Tammie Quai expressed her wish to step down as a member of the Management Committee due to her work commitments. In their place, four new members were duly elected and welcomed onboard the Management Committee for 2012-2014. They were Ms Esther Chng, Mr Edmund Kwan, Mr Jedidiah Tan, and Ms Sylvia Oo.

Peggy shared with the Meeting about some upcoming events, details of which would be made available on the website. Hoon Sun shared with the Meeting about the need for the Alumni to keep in touch with its members, and encouraged everyone present to keep their contact details updated and pass the word around to others within the network and encourage them to update their contact details with AAS.

From left to right: Ms Peggy Tan (Vice President), Mr Loh Hoon Sun (President), Ms Tammie Quai (Secretary), Ms Christina Tan (Treasurer)
New Management Committee, from left to right: Mr Edmund Kwan (Chair, Membership), Mr Jedidiah Tan (Chair, Communications), Ms Sylvia Oo, Ms Peggy Tan (Vice President and Chair, Activities), Mr Loh Hoon Sun (President), Ms Christina Tan (Secretary), Ms Esther Chng (Treasurer), Mr Simon Ho (Immediate Past President), and Mr Paul Chia. Not in the photo, Mr Foo Ser Seen.

The 57th AGM closed with Professor Lawrence Chia proposing a note of thanks to the Chairman and the outgoing Management Committee. He also wished the incoming Committee all the best.

Members continued networking over the buffet spread.

Following the AGM, the Management Committee held its first meeting and elected its Office Bearers. Mr Loh Hoon Sun and Ms Peggy Tan were unanimously re‐elected President and Vice-President, respectively. Ms Christina Tan was elected as the Secretary and Ms Esther Chng took over as the Treasurer. With agreement by all members of the Management Committee, Ms Peggy Tanwould Chair the Activities Committee, with Mr Jedidiah Tan overseeing the newly-merged Communications Committee as Chair, and Mr EdmundKwan handling all membership matters as Chair of the Membership Committee. Please refer to the full list of Management Committee members (Click to see) and Working Committee Chairs (click to see).

By Jedidiah Tan


Communications Committee