Effective Utilisation of Superannuation 5 June 2013

Effective Utilisation of Superannuation

The Event held on 5 June 2013 was hosted by Axon Hewitt Wealth Management in partnership with Australian Alumni Singapore. Aon Hewitt’s experienced financial advisors, Ms Belinda Barclay, Senior Private Client Advisor and Mr. Nick Morton, Senior Private Client Advisors shared the insight beyond the simply superannuation. It also covers the existing policy and the update of the Australia Budget 2013. Other than investment, Superannuation investment provides a mechanism to reduce some of capital tax gained from the investment of property to be channelled into the superannuation fund. The contents of the presentation included the following:

An introduction to superannuation and its use to stem the pressure placed on Social Welfare due to the ageing population and reduce reliance on foreign funding.
Types of contributions

– Non Concessional: A member’s personal contribution that does not attract a tax deduction.

– Concessional: Employers, self-employed and other eligible individuals are able to claim the entire amount of concessional contributions as a tax deduction up to the relevant cap.

  • Relevant caps on super contributions, restrictions and penalties.
  • How to utilise superannuation to minimise tax both as a resident and non-resident of Australia.
  • Getting money out of super: Condition of Release requirements and Preservation Age.
  • The end game: Why use super and allocated pensions and the respective tax implications.
  • Update on 2013 Budget proposals; including

– Changes to Super Guarantee

– Changes to tax on earnings during retirement

– Changes to caps on super contributions

– Changes for high income earners

– Changes to excess contribution penalties.

  • Ending with words of cautions

On behalf of AAS, we would to take the opportunity to thank Belinda and Nick for the interesting sharing and the hospitality.

Ms Barclay giving the brief introduction of her background and the contents of
the seminar
Ms Barclay sharing the first half on the seminar to the audience
Mr. Morton sharing his experience of his background in the area of fund management
Mr. Morton continued to share with the audience on the topic of superannuation
Mr. Norton engaging with the one of the audience after the presentation
Ms Barclay seen interacting with one the audience after the presentation

Article written by Seah Peng Siong